The guitars of Emily Kokal and Theresa Wayman interlocking in sequin-sparkle shimmer or sinuous smolder; Jenny Lee Lindburg’s bass notes pacing thoughtfully at melody’s edge; Stella Mozgawa’s keyboards adding depth and texture to the whole even as her drumming propels it. This is the intoxicating sound of Warpaint , an Los Angeles-based foursome whose Exquisite Corpse EP (Manimal Vinyl, 2009) was one of the indie-rock diaspora’s more auspicious recent debuts. Corpse shuffles ably through in-the-round drift-folk a la Beach House ("Billie Holiday”), rollicking post-Gang Gang Dance gypsy fury ("Elephants”), and sublimely ethereal pop ("Burgundy”). The six songs feel equally intimate and mysterious, free-form and precise, cruising-backstreets-at-3-a.m. chilling, and fresh-silken-sheets cozy.Select from over 100 of the most common food allergies, and search for recipes tailored to your dietary needs. Over 1300 ingredients categorized by their.Degenerative or Adult Scoliosis – is due to degeneration or arthritis of the spine.The Neurological Disorders, Ageing and Balance Clinic provides an integrated and holistic service offering specific intervention programs and exercise.